Artificial intelligence is a technology that has become widely popular in the last few years. This isn’t just an Internet trend and temporary entertainment that provides the audience with many fun, interesting features. Artificial intelligence is a key part of the development of the digital sector, which provides, in fact, many advantages that, in general, make web development faster and better.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the key aspects of using AI in web development, and its impact on industry. We’ll also learn how artificial intelligence shapes and optimizes development today and in the future, providing new tools and opportunities for web developers.

AI Tools Reshape the Digital Realm

The first and most popular example of AI tools is ChatGPT. It’s a universal tool used by most workers in various fields – from marketers to recruiters and developers. Despite its simple functionality (the platform is based on a chat, where the user sets prompts to artificial intelligence), ChatGPT is designed to create text content of various types: blog posts, e-mails, content plans, game characters’ lines, etc. As for developers, ChatGPT helps you write code. However, as already mentioned in one of our previous materials,  AI can write code at a developer’s prompt, but that code requires additional expert review to make that code work correctly.

Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning is another tool designed for developers. It is a cloud storage platform where a developer can create machine learning models and train them before introducing these platforms into the application itself. The development of an AI model consists of four stages: data preparation, construction, and training of a model with artificial intelligence, verification of work efficiency and installation, and further monitoring of the finished AI model.

As for content development on the WordPress platform, we can also mention here Hostinger AI Assistant. This is an AI plugin for WordPress that speeds up text content generation. The plugin is made in the form of a constructor, in which the user enters such initial data as the topic of the post, its length, important keywords, etc. in separate windows. After entering all the necessary data, the plugin automatically generates SEO-friendly text. Also, the user can edit the already prepared material before publishing it on WordPress.

The Impact of AI Tools on the Digital Landscape

AI Tools Enriching User Experience in Web Development

Companies can improve online customer service with AI tools that analyze customer data and create a more holistic picture of the company’s target audience. For example, Amazon’s AI recommendation system allows the site to automatically select recommendations for the buyer based on previous purchases.

The system works on the principle of collaborative data filtering. This means that the system sees the purchases of two conditional buyers, determining this pair by the similarity of the purchases made. If one of a determined pair purchased, for example, a book instead of a bag, the system will offer the same book to another customer from the selected pair. In addition, the system also works according to the principle of selecting similar products: if the buyer purchases a laptop of a certain model, the AI system will offer him a similar model of the device.

In addition, AI algorithms also come in handy for companies when they help customers better choose the desired product. For example, in June this year, Google released virtual fitting rooms enhanced by artificial intelligence. This program contains a generative type of artificial intelligence, which allows you to generate the image of the same blouse or pants on different types of figures and different sizes of customers.

How AI Tools Reshape Productivity in Web Development

AI makes business productivity increasing possible, primarily by accelerating and automating routine processes. The very same ChatGPT is actively used for these purposes. Maxim Kozorog, TuneLab project manager, talked about the experience of introducing artificial intelligence into the work of Casino Guru – a platform that makes selections of the best casinos, highlighting their main advantages and disadvantages. In this case, ChatGPT was used to automate the descriptions of these casinos.

“In order not to do it manually, because it would take a lot of time, there was a decision to connect ChatGPT, in which we load a prompt (a request in which we describe everything we need). Make descriptions of the pros and cons of such and such an affiliate based on a chosen template. For example, write a text with emojis, and describe the pros and cons of such an affiliate based on the template. The text shouldn’t be longer than a certain number of characters, it should contain this and that. And translate it into 10 different languages: Polish, English, French, Italian, etc. And thanks to that, we generate content for different languages, for different people from all over the world, which is created through affiliate programs,” Maxim Kozorog said.

Automation and Efficiency

As already mentioned above, AI tools allow you to automate and speed up the process of writing software code process. The popularity of AI in writing codes is evidenced by statistics from GitHub. So, 92% of developers are already using artificial intelligence to write code. Nevertheless, due to the novelty and early stage of the technology development, today artificial intelligence cannot fully replace living programmers, and for the correctness of this code, developers still need to check and edit the code.

In general, there are two types of AI encoding: text and voice. The text method is more well-known and widespread: the programmer enters a text prompt, and the artificial intelligence issues a code in response. The voice method allows the programmer to dictate to the AI by voice what he wants to receive from the program. An example of such a tool is OpenAI Whisper from GitHub.

Ethical Dilemmas of AI Tools in Web Development

Artificial intelligence has already proven its effectiveness in speeding up and optimizing web development. However, like any innovation, AI hides several pitfalls, including the following
  • Algorithm bias. Since artificial intelligence is still being developed, it has a limited amount of resources and data, which significantly narrows the variety of source data (images, text, software codes, etc.). A lack of awareness of AI can lead it to make wrong decisions in design, customer data analysis, etc.
  • Data privacy issues. The use of content generated by AI on photos, and texts that contain personal information may pose a threat to the preservation of this personal data. Especially when, for example, a certain passage of text is used for a blog post, which the AI generator must rewrite. First of all, this threatens the protection of the intellectual property of the original text’s author.
  • Ethical considerations and responsible use of AI. Based on the previous point, the ethical use of artificial intelligence concerns not only the violation of personal data but also the misleading of site users. This, again, refers to the use of AI-generated texts that contain outdated or false information or a realistic image that may give customers the wrong impression of their product. To avoid such misinformation, it is necessary to check the content for truthfulness through search services.
Artificial intelligence is becoming an integral part of modern web development, changing the approach to creating and managing web projects. Because AI provides developers with many useful advantages, including automation of small routine processes, personalization of content for the user, and others. And these advantages are provided by many artificial intelligence programs, such as the famous ChatGPT, as well as lesser-known but effective tools, such as Azure Machine Learning, and Amazon’s product selection automation system. The future of web development with AI promises even more innovation and development. However, it is important not to forget ethical norms and responsibilities when using this powerful technology. In that case, artificial intelligence will work only for the developer’s benefit.