In general, web development involves the creation and maintenance of websites and applications that allow businesses to attract new audiences, increase their own profits and increase the trust of loyal customers. Artificial intelligence also plays an important role in modern web development, because it helps automate several tasks and provide more effective interaction with users. However, on the other hand, there are some fears that AI will eventually replace human developers.

In this article, we will look at the main components of web development, its benefits for companies, and its importance for today’s enterprises.

Web Development 101: Understanding the Basics

Web development is the creation, release, and further technical support and updates of websites and apps. As a rule, the main areas of website development include front-end, back-end, and full-stack development. Frontend is responsible for creating the external interface and algorithms for live user interaction. Backend developers in turn are responsible for those processes of the site that remain behind the scenes and are not visible to the user. Full-stack development is a more holistic approach to developing websites and applications and combines the main aspects of the two previous areas: from the internal invisible processes of the application to the visible work on the appearance and functionality of its interface.

5 Compelling Reasons Why Web Development Is Still Crucial

It is quite obvious that many people worldwide use the Internet, in particular the Google search engine, as the main source of information search without leaving home. Last but not least, online shopping and ordering services through websites have long become part of the routine for every self-respecting business. And these services, according to Oberlo, are already used by more than two billion people.

The aforementioned online presence of a business allows you to launch various marketing campaigns that bring many advantages to businesses. First, digital marketing allows you to more clearly define the target audience to whom you want to present your product based on age, location, interests, recent online purchases, etc. Second, online businesses can track the success of digital marketing campaigns using SaaS platforms. 

For example, our company TuneLab developed Fyrefly SaaS platform that allows users to register their own “experiments”, and track their success and profitability on their personal board with the help of a Kanban table and a Gantt chart.

As you know, digital marketing can make your brand more recognizable by 80%, according to statistics. Especially when digital advertising campaigns, unlike traditional types of advertising, allow you to create more interesting and exciting experiences. From advertising banners on other sites to interactive WebXR advertising that immerses the potential customer in the product story you want to tell. WebXR is virtual and augmented reality, created exclusively to work with a web browser. A similar function, for example, has already been used by the well-known car company Nissan, which with WebAR through smartphones allows users to see a digital model of the car from all sides.

In addition to advertising their products, companies’ web resources can be a source of useful and interesting information for customers. It’s not about using landing pages and use case studies that directly talk about the company’s product. Blog with periodic posts will also can be a handful. In this case, it is worth applying such a digital marketing method as a sales funnel, divided into several stages: recognition of the problem, curiosity, decision, and action. Blog posts and landing pages can serve as the type of content that is best suited for the first stage of the funnel because we familiarize and interest the buyer with possible ways to solve this or that problem.

Google search optimization can increase the company’s sales and income via the Internet. One of the main ways of attracting new traffic is SEO optimization. Regardless of direction, ranking in the Google search engine is still key to a company’s success in attracting new traffic, and the higher the search string, the better. According to Demand Space, 75% of Internet users never get past the first page.

Speaking about text content created by artificial intelligence, as early as February 8, 2023, Google issued a statement stating that the origin of the content created for the web page – whether it is created by a person or a machine – has no fundamental importance.

Google’s search service will rank such content in the first places, highlighting such basic criteria as usefulness, demonstration of expertise, being published on a verified site, and credibility. If the generated AI content does not meet the above requirements, your site may fall a few lines lower in the search.

The Web Development Landscape: Adapting to AI Advancements

Currently, artificial intelligence is spreading to many areas of the industry: from game development to the creation of pictures and songs. This is all because AI is able to perform certain tasks that require repetition much faster.

Thus, AI is effective during the automated development of software codes, as well as the generation of visual and textual content. As for web development, first of all, artificial intelligence already knows how to write software codes. There are already many such programs, such as DeepCode or even the famous ChatGPT, which is also often used by some developers.

But, despite the opinion of some experts, artificial intelligence will not replace live developers. AI, at least, can really simplify the tasks of real developers, taking over the most monotonous tasks, but nevertheless, in order for the site to work, it also requires an experienced human eye.

“The nature of software engineering, at some point, it’s not going to be writing code anymore. It’s going to be monitoring artificial intelligence, to make sure, that the code that it’s going to be outputting which is going to be better, better, and better in quality over time is, in fact, should be being produced. It’s going to be more of a managerial role,” said Tina Huang,  Meta Product Manager.

In addition, in order to create experiences that would be able to accurately establish a connection with the user and his emotions, it is necessary to involve live developers, and not artificial intelligence, which does not have the same emotional spectrum as a living person.

Today, web development is still a vital element for any business that wants to succeed in the digital world and beyond. It’s because web development allows businesses to attract customers and provide a quality service and shopping experience. With the competent digital marketing and high-quality text and visual content, companies are able to build trust with their customers and reach new heights in Google search. Artificial intelligence has been proven to help ease some aspects of web development, but human traits such as talent, creativity, and understanding of user needs are still relevant to web development. So, here we can summarize that web development is still an integral part of modern business, which ensures the growth and competitiveness of companies in the digital environment.