More Detailed Description of The Expertise

After the web project has been poured into the platforms, we provide a flexible schedule of cooperation with the client, including fixed hours or on-demand support. If the client chooses the fixed hours option, he pays for a certain number of hours per month. This option allows you to quickly respond to problems and contact our team to fix serious bugs. In support mode, we work with the help of a project manager and a developers team to evaluate and solve tasks. Support includes development and testing, as well as server support and certificate updates.

What We Do

Basically, the maintenance process includes

Flexible Working Schedule

We offer a flexible schedule for web solution installation and updates. The working hours of the developer can be agreed upon with the client, which can be scheduled for a week that is most suitable for the client.

Fixed Hours Mode

We conclude an agreement for a fixed number of hours per month, which the client always pays for. This makes it possible to attract a programmer from the team and use him as needed and at a certain time.

Asking Project Manager

In this case, the client turns to the project manager with new tasks and requests. The project manager evaluates the tasks and decides whether the developer can start working on these tasks.

Basic Update Processes Include

Server Support

We solve technical issues, including changing server load level, updating certificates, etc. The client can have a guarantee of a quick response within a limited period.

Cost And Guarantee

The cost of support depends on the terms of the agreement between us and the client. Usually, the client pays for a certain number of hours per month. The cost of such support may vary depending on the selected mode (for example, quick response) and the number of hours.

Finished Project Support

Usually, this involves the addition of new features, design changes, or other updates. The client can ask about bug fixes or project development.

Flexible Conditions

We’re always ready to agree with the client on cooperation flexible terms, additional hours, or other changes in the agreement depending on their needs. All details and conditions are discussed and agreed upon individually.

Work Guarantee

We guarantee our code. If the project is covered with tests, then bugs are unlikely. We can give a guarantee for a certain period. In cases where the code is not covered by the tests, the bugs are fixed for a limited time as part of the agreement.


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