More Detailed Description of The Expertise

The development of an API is an iterative process consisting of several stages that depend on a specific project. Before developing each of these APIs, we always listen to the client’s wishes and pay attention to such key points as the tasks that this API should perform its main functions, security, and authorization mechanisms.

The development of API consists of stages that depend on a specific project. More detailed information is below.

What We Do

Consultations and Preparations

At the first meeting with a client, we discuss such API traits as logic and functionality, security requirements, and technology and programming languages.

Analysis of Client Demands

We define functional and non-functional requirements for API development.

Defining the Main Task and Difficulty

The easiest APIs are usually those that perform one simple operation. The most complex ones are those that solve complex business problems and require deep analysis and development.

АРІ Projection

We define the structures and resources of the API, including URL paths, parameters, and data formats.

Development and testing

We write API codes and test them to make sure they work correctly.

АРІ Documentation

We create documentation that explains how to use the API, including examples of requests and responses.

Authorisation and Safety

Adding authorization mechanisms and API protection against unauthorized access.

API Release

API uploading on production servers and provision of proper documentation for users.

Maintenance and Updates

After the API release, you need to provide support, fix bugs, and make updates based on user needs.