Before we get into the topic of SaaS’s impact on marketing, let’s briefly explain what SaaS is. The term SaaS primarily stands for Software-as-a-Service. It’s a software distribution model through which a cloud storage provider gives access to an app to end users online. Thanks to the SaaS systems, a user gets access to a solution on any device via the Internet, without the need to download and constantly update it.

Many businesses in education, supply chain management, finance and marketing, have started using this convenient option. Due to the ease of use and some work processes automation, Software-as-a-Service is gaining more and more popularity among companies. According to Bettercloud, 85% of business applications will be SaaS-based.

In this article, we will reveal the main nuances of Software-as-a-Service in the marketing field and what advantages this system brings to marketing digital companies.

Dynamic Role of SaaS in Marketing Automation

How SaaS Reshapes Personalized Email Automation

First of all, SaaS in marketing automates many routine, monotonous tasks, which makes marketing companies work more efficient and productive.

For example, SaaS solutions help to automate e-mail mailings. Using these tools, it is possible to create automatic personalized letters for clients based on their previous purchases. And this strategy is considered one of the most successful and widespread in digital marketing. According to HubPost, 77% of marketers saw an increase in customer engagement precisely through e-mail mailings in 2022.

It is quite important, considering the fact e-mails also make up the final part of the sales funnel after the customer has made a purchase, and such personal messages can encourage the customer to continue shopping.

MailChimp is considered to be one of the most common SaaS tools that companies use to automate e-mail mailings.

This platform is considered a good tool for use by small businesses that are just starting to build their own marketing campaign and need to take the first steps in communicating with customers. After all, MailChimp allows you to create e-mail templates, think through the buyer’s journey, social networks posts, landing pages, conduct research and add contacts of your customers through services such as Google Sheets.

How SaaS Platforms Redefine Social Media Analysis

SaaS has also proven to be effective in social media analytics. Hootsuite is one of the famous examples of SaaS tools for automating the work of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and TikTok accounts. It’s one of the world’s most popular platforms, which includes many functions including:

  • Delayed posts planning and posting – creating new posts and planning their automatic posting for a certain day;
  • Social listening – a tool for tracking what users of social networks are saying about your brand;
  • Social networks analysis – tool that allows you to monitor the activity of users on your company’s account, the inflow and outflow of new users;
  • tools for encouragement in social networks – they allow companies to encourage users to be active on their own page: increase the number of likes, increase activity in comments, etc.;
  • AI content generation is one of the latest trends in working with social networks. This tool includes creating text posts with the help of artificial intelligence:
  • Posts promotion – a tool for promoting your post in social networks among users so that it could gain the most likes;
  • Posting Time Detecting – a tool that automatically determines the best time for sharing a post on a social network, so that it reaches the largest audience and the largest feedback;
  • Social networks advertising – a tool that allows you to quickly and conveniently place advertising in social networks. In particular, there are managers for advertising on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram.

Transforming Marketing Campaign Analysis

SaaS-platforms in marketing are also designed to collect and analyze web traffic, conversions and user behavior data, which allows you to more easily track and determine whether your marketing campaign turned out to be successful.

SaaS platform FyreFly is among the use cases where TuneLab experts took an active part in the development.

We built this platform for a customer who only had its design for the PC desktop. Based on this design, we defined the core functionality of the future platform and prepared the necessary documentation and environment development.

The platform  contains many convenient and intuitive tools that will help marketers create and determine various advertising campaigns (experiments) success. In particular, FyreFly includes a dynamic Kanban board that allows you to create agile approaches in working with different advertising campaigns. And the Gantt chart allows you to easily track the progress of “experiments” and their duration.

Advantages of SaaS in Modern Marketing

Companies pay attention to SaaS as an optimizing the company’s work tool, because Software as a Service platforms provide companies with the following advantages:

  • Effective communication and cooperation between employees. SaaS-tools such as Asana task management simplification systems have a positive effect on internal communication between company employees. These tools allow you to monitor the process of completing tasks, systematize the process of their execution, and also delegate them to other employees.
  • Routine tasks automation. As it was mentioned above, SaaS platforms allow you to automate many routine processes. In particular, it concerns work on social networks,  marketing campaign success development and tracking, etc. These tools allow marketers to concentrate on more serious tasks and speed up the process of their work.
  • Personalization and data analysis. SaaS tools also allow you to create a better personalized experience for customers. In particular, there are tools that allow you to collect and analyze customer data, which gives a better understanding of which audience your product is intended for. It allows you to create more personalized strategies, as well as quickly react to changes in customer behavior.
  • Integration and accessibility. Due to the fact that SaaS platforms don’t need to be downloaded and installed on a device, they are easily integrated into the work of the marketing team and give them direct access to tools from any device via the Internet.

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) has brought many benefits to marketing companies by automating routine work processes, increasing the productivity of social media accounts and providing a personalized experience to customers.

For example, automated services for e-mail list allow you to increase customer engagement through personalized messages. SaaS solutions like MailChimp make mailings effective even for marketing newcomers. Other tools, such as Hootsuite, include a wide range of features for social media analysis and management, which helps to effectively use social media accounts for advertising and improving communication with customers. Meanwhile, the FyreFly platform demonstrates the importance of data analysis and optimization of marketing campaigns for successful business, providing intuitive tools to create and measure their effectiveness.