Online recruiting, also known as e-recruiting, has revolutionized the recruiting landscape, reimagining the way talent is found and engaged in the digital age. In fact, it’s not surprising that the job search has gone online, given the growing popularity of, for example, remote work or working in companies where the involvement of digital technologies is mandatory.

Exploring the essence of e-recruitment, its process, and notable examples, this article delves into the many benefits that drive businesses to adopt this innovative approach to recruitment.

A Comprehensive Guide to Online Recruitment

Online recruitment is the process of finding and hiring new employees. In simple words, in online recruiting, a job seeker finds a suitable vacancy on the website, submits a CV and motivation letter, and then contacts a recruiter and goes through several stages of an interview. A company places an advertisement online, where they are looking for suitable employees. A company’s recruiter contacts potential candidates, and selects the most suitable one for the workplace, offering them a job.

In more detail, the online recruiting process consists of several stages including:

  • Placement of the desired vacancy in the network, with the possibility of submitting a CV. Advertisements are usually posted on the company’s website or on special job search resources such as Djinni, Work.UA,, etc. Today, online job search has long supplanted other job search methods. For example, in the UK, over 60% of people aged 16 to 54 use online resources to find a new job.
  • Dialogue with the recruiter. A recruiter conducts an initial pre-screen to learn more about a potential employee of the company. This stage of recruiting allows a recruiter to learn about the employee’s work experience, soft skills, and ability to interact in a team. Conducting prescreens allows you to reduce the probability that the company hires an employee who is not suitable for the selected vacancy because 74% of employers claim that they chose the wrong people for the job.
  • A recruiter sends a test task to a candidate. Depending on the qualification, this can be either a written task in a file with a specific deadline for completion. This also includes online quizzes through Google Forms and other platforms.
  • Then, a recruiter schedules a large interview with the management of the company and the department in which the employee is being sought. There, the candidate is interviewed about his work experience, they can discuss their test task performance, etc. Such interviews are conducted through video conferencing platforms and applications such as Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, etc.
  • The final verdict. It can be a refusal or an offer. In the case of an offer, if the candidate agrees, the recruiter sends them e-documents for signature, and the trial period is agreed upon. Then the selected candidate starts work at a new place.

AutoScreen: Innovating Online Recruitment for Seamless Talent Acquisition

Our company TuneLab also has experience in developing web solutions that simplify recruiting for companies. An example of such a case is the AutoScreen SaaS platform.  HR managers can create job postings, as well as prepare a set of questions required for potential applicants. Applicants record video responses online, and the HR managers only have to watch these videos and choose the most relevant candidate for themselves.

Our client ordered from us a  platform that would be convenient and comfortable for both HR managers and job seekers. They wanted to get such a platform that would significantly reduce the job search and processing experience, knowledge, and skills data of each candidate.

Our team has developed the front end of this SaaS platform, as well as all the functionality related to video recording, storage, and video viewing. In this platform, candidates have the opportunity not only to look for vacancies but also to record their own video presentations. A seeker answers the questions posed by the employer and has only one attempt to record the video correctly.

Embracing the Advantages of Online Recruitment

Online recruiting provides companies and job seekers with the following advantages:

  1. Flexibility and efficiency of the process. First of all, this flexibility applies to the posting and updating of advertisements on the Internet. The company that posts these ads can simply update the status of this ad (vacancy open/vacancy closed) and, if possible, add new requirements for future employees.As for the employee, they can submit a resume at any convenient time and conduct interviews remotely, without the need to find the company office and spend time on the road.
  2. Optimizing the process of searching and selecting candidates. Thanks to online recruiting, the search for employees becomes faster because employees don’t waste time on the road. Recruiters have electronic tools that simplify meeting appointments, as well as their postponement. For example, Google Meet, one of the most popular tools for online meetings, has this feature.
  3. Wide opportunities to attract talent from all over the world. The Internet allows you to hire employees not only from one country but also from any corner of the world (especially if it concerns hiring an employee for remote work or outsourcing). Access to candidates from different cities and countries with the help of online recruiting allows you to get a wider selection of candidates with suitable skills.
  4. A variety of testing methods. In addition, online recruiting helps to test the employee’s work and soft skills using various methods. As it’s been mentioned above, the recruiter can send the candidate a file with a test task with a given deadline for completion. Qualifications and psychological skills are also assessed by employers through interactive online tests, as well as communication with management, which can test, for example, English language skills.

Exploring Disadvantages of Online Recruitment

Online recruiting has long proven its effectiveness in job search, where many routine processes are becoming digitized. However, here you need to take into account the possible risks associated with recruiting:
  • Online recruiting can sometimes attract unsuitable candidates. Company recruiters may receive resumes from dozens or hundreds of candidates whose experience and qualifications are not suitable for the position.
  • Online messages can give the wrong impression to the candidate. However, this shortcoming is partially corrected with video calls with a recruiter and company management. Nevertheless, a complete impression is formed about a new employee only after they have worked for a certain period of time in the company.
Like any modern solution, online recruiting has its obvious advantages and disadvantages. Nevertheless, online hiring, to a greater extent, is an effective way of selecting new employees, which is comfortable for both hiring companies and job seekers. This is a quick way to find new people, because both employer and candidate can schedule online meetings at any time, and remote video calls save time and money on getting to a physical place of destination. The instant transfer of test tasks and passing quizzes to employees also positively affects the speed and efficiency of the company’s recruiters. As companies navigate an ever-evolving online labor market, online recruiting is becoming an indispensable tool for securing top talent and supporting organizational growth in the digital age.