Target Audience

This platform was created for gadget users who contact the service department and want to receive quick and convenient service.

The main tasks and challenges

This use case was commissioned by an electronics repair enterprise from Latin America. First of all, the Thinklan CRM system’s main purpose is the digitization of all basic work processes, including keeping records of how many gadgets were repaired in a given time period. Having assessed the scale of the required work, our developers applied the following technologies:
  • Laravel 8 is a popular framework used to develop web applications. The eighth version includes such innovations as Laravel Jetstream (a tool for authentication and sanctioning elements of the interface) and Laravel Fortify (a system for user authentication)
  • Livewire stack is a Laravel full-stack framework, responsible for creating a dynamic interface, and it is this framework that allows you to develop interfaces faster and easier.
  • MySQL is a powerful and reliable database management system, which is widely used to develop many applications and web solutions.
  • Docker is a platform for the rapid development, testing, and deployment of web applications.


We created a CRM system that would be convenient to use both for the company’s employees and for the customers. First of all, the platform is functional for employees, because they can create their own profile in Thinklan, choose from a list of customer orders, and take orders to work, changing the status of the completed task. Employees also independently determine the quantity and availability of the necessary equipment and add the cost of their own work to the cost of, for example, replacing smartphone screen glass. In turn, moderators and company managers have the opportunity to quickly and conveniently track the amount of work performed and exactly how much to pay this or that employee for the work performed.

As for customers, with the Thinklan platform, they get a convenient tool to track the progress of their order, along with a QR code that enables them to do so.
