Target Audience

Professional lawyers and university graduates who want to improve their skills and knowledge in a convenient online platform with chosen courses.

The main tasks and challenges

We were approached by representatives of a law company who wanted to create a convenient online platform for professionals in their field. They decided to focus on teaching other professionals and make their knowledge and experience available to a wider audience.
Considering the whole scale of work, our experts used technologies including

MySQL is a powerful and reliable database management system, which is widely used for the development of a considerable number of applications and web solutions.
Laravel is a popular framework used to develop web applications and PHP programming language is used for the framework. The main advantage of Laravel is that this framework provides developers with convenient and powerful tools for developing effective and modern web solutions.
VueJS is a progressive front-end framework based on JavaScript, which allows you to create single-page web applications and user interfaces based on the above language.
NuxtJS is an open-source library based on VueJS, with which you can render the user interface (UI) and generate static sites.


We developed an online platform where clients can easily buy courses and training documents/materials immediately on the platform, where they can start their training. Each course contains a certain number of modules, and the system monitors and tracks the progress of users using internal trackers.

We have created a convenient and flexible training platform for those who take courses at it. The user registers his account on the platform, with the help of which he can independently choose one or more training courses, pay for them with a credit card, and take them independently at any convenient time. Users also have access to previews so they can better understand what they are choosing for themselves.
