Target Audience

HR managers and recruiters who look for new employees, and candidates who look for a new job and usually get prepared for job interviews.

The main tasks and challenges

Our client ordered from us a platform that would be convenient and comfortable for both HR managers and job seekers. They wanted to get such a platform that would significantly reduce the job search and processing experience, knowledge, and skills data of each candidate.
Considering the whole scale of work, our experts used technologies including Vue.JS is a progressive front-end framework based on JavaScript, which allows you to create single-page web applications and user interfaces based on the above language.
Laravel is a popular framework used to develop web applications and PHP programming language is used for the framework. The main advantage of Laravel is that this framework provides developers with convenient and powerful tools for developing effective and modern web solutions.
MySQL is a powerful and reliable database management system, which is widely used for the development of a considerable number of applications and web solutions.


Our team has developed the front end of this application, as well as all the functionality related to video recording, storage, and video viewing. On this platform, recruiters and companies can post job ads and receive feedback from candidates. Candidates, in turn, have the opportunity on this platform not only to look for vacancies but also to record their own video presentations. In it, the seeker answers the questions posed by the employer and has only one attempt to record the video correctly.
